Nar Narayan Dev Yuvak Mandal is a youth project that involves young adults up to the age of 35. This is a platform for youth that are just finding their feet into adulthood to create bonds of friendship, learn the unity of Satsang and strengthen their faith by understanding themselves better. 

NNDYM’s vision is rooted from Bhavi Acharyashree Vrajendraprasadji Maharaj who believes in not just helping the youth develop as satsangis but also as strong individuals who lead society in a positive direction. 

Some of the many activities conducted through NNDYM:

  • Sports day
  • Organisation of Hindu festivals 
  • Pad Yatra (spiritual walkathon)
  • Spiritual activities such as 24-hour dhun in the temple
  • Yoga workshops
  • Fun Day picnics
  • Overnight camps